Tamika Mallory: The voice for the voiceless ( I am speaking)

Tamika Mallory: The voice for the voiceless ( I am speaking)

Tamika Mallory: The voice for the voiceless ( I am speaking)

WE ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY. Black people are dying in a state of an emergency...So if you are not coming to the people’s defense then do not challenge us when young people and other people who are frustrated and instigated by the people you pay.”

Whoa! Let’s take a moment of silence to digest the depth of this message and the years of pain that resonates through the words. Now, let’s acknowledge the voice of the voiceless who delivered this change-provoking, viral speech - Tamika D. Mallory.

A black woman, a social justice leader, an activist, movement strategist, and author of State Of Emergency- now available for purchase! The movement runs through her veins long before “Black Lives Matter”. Having family roots grounded in activism, Tamika at the age of 14 joined the National Action Network and later became its Executive Director at the age of 29. She’s not new to this, she’s true to this.

Tamika stands on the frontlines for us! She ensures our voices are heard, and serves as our ally in this fight against injustice. Something like our sister without the blood, she makes us feel safe by her side during her non-violent protests. And, she teaches us how to do the same with Until Freedom Academy! “Until Freedom has over two decades of experience in high level organizing. We have a proven track record of successful local, state and national work. Until Freedom has trained hundreds of activists, organizers and faith leaders across the country in nonviolent direct action, campaign development”.

Imagine, a woman from Harlem, shaping a generation to be thought leaders, to fight for justice without violence! We’re in a State Of Emergency and Tamika is our life vest!

“I think people said, “Enough is enough.” I think people said, “I now have a responsibility to get in this fight.” …Still, there’s two sides to every coin. On the one side, it’s powerful – people have been motivated; people are hitting the streets; people are pushing for legislation; people are donating their time and their resources – but on the other side of the coin, it also pops the pimple of racism, of sexism, of the hostility towards Black people, and certainly the disrespect of Black women.”

~ Tamika D. Mallory for Vogue

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